Francesco Raphael Frieri Francesco Raphael Frieri

Verso uno Smart Working maturo: appunti di un viaggio in VeLA

Nove Enti partner, una buona pratica e un kit di riuso a disposizione delle PA che vorranno implementare un modello di smart working. Il progetto VeLA – Veloce, Leggero, Agile: lo Smart Working per la PA è finanziato dal PON GOV 2014-2020 nell’ambito del primo bando di Open Community PA.

Il progetto è un laboratorio in evoluzione, un’occasione di approfondimento del tema dello smart working, delle criticità e delle opportunità con cui le Amministrazioni pubbliche nell’attuale fase di sperimentazione si stanno confrontando. Per oltre un anno gli Enti partner hanno lavorato sui temi organizzativi, amministrativi e procedurali, ma si sono anche aperte al confronto sull’accompagnamento agli smart worker e all’empowerment della dirigenza, alla comunicazione ai cittadini e alla misurazione e valutazione della performance e della produttiva del lavoratore, agli spazi come leva del cambiamento e al ruolo abilitante delle tecnologie.

Questo appuntamento rappresenta il convegno finale di questa esperienza di lavoro insieme, che non si conclude con il progetto, ma che vede le amministrazioni impegnate in una roadmap di implementazione e soprattutto in un’azione di sensibilizzazione e di trasferimento ad altre Amministrazioni.

La presentazione del kit di riuso e dei risultati del progetto sarà alternata a pitch di esperti su alcuni temi aperti su cui VeLA vuole puntare l’attenzione e rilanciare il dibattito futuro in materia di smart working.

Il convegno sarà l’occasione per analizzare oltre ai risultati del progetto, alcuni focus tematici connessi allo smart working, dal service design all’attrattività dei talenti fino al futuro possibili delle modalità di lavoro agile.


Evento conclusivo del Progetto VeLA – Veloce, Leggero, Agile: lo Smart Working per la PA

16 Maggio, 2019  da 15:00 a 18:00, Forum PA, Roma Convention Center “La Nuvola”

Nove Enti partner, una buona pratica e un kit di riuso a disposizione delle PA che vorranno implementare un modello di smart working. Il progetto VeLA – Veloce, Leggero, Agile: lo Smart Working per la PA è finanziato dal PON GOV 2014-2020 nell’ambito del primo bando di Open Community PA.

Il progetto è un laboratorio in evoluzione, un’occasione di approfondimento del tema dello smart working, delle criticità e delle opportunità con cui le Amministrazioni pubbliche nell’attuale fase di sperimentazione si stanno confrontando. Per oltre un anno gli Enti partner hanno lavorato sui temi organizzativi, amministrativi e procedurali, ma si sono anche aperte al confronto sull’accompagnamento agli smart worker e all’empowerment della dirigenza, alla comunicazione ai cittadini e alla misurazione e valutazione della performance e della produttiva del lavoratore, agli spazi come leva del cambiamento e al ruolo abilitante delle tecnologie.

Questo appuntamento rappresenta il convegno finale di questa esperienza di lavoro insieme, che non si conclude con il progetto, ma che vede le amministrazioni impegnate in una roadmap di implementazione e soprattutto in un’azione di sensibilizzazione e di trasferimento ad altre Amministrazioni.

La presentazione del kit di riuso e dei risultati del progetto sarà alternata a pitch di esperti su alcuni temi aperti su cui VeLA vuole puntare l’attenzione e rilanciare il dibattito futuro in materia di smart working.

Il convegno sarà l’occasione per analizzare oltre ai risultati del progetto, alcuni focus tematici connessi allo smart working, dal service design all’attrattività dei talenti fino al futuro possibili delle modalità di lavoro agile.

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Francesco Raphael Frieri Francesco Raphael Frieri

Digital Transformation of Public Administration in Europe



14 MAY 2019 10.00 - 16.00 

VENUE: Emilia-Romagna  Region Rue Montoyer 21, Brussels

The rapid integration of digital technologies poses a number of challenges for national, regional and local governments. An important aspect of this transformation concerns citizens’ and businesses’ expectations about their interaction with governments. This requires the digital transformation of governments themselves to rise to this challenge. Public administrations need to change the way they work and organise themselves, ensuring they have the skills needed to use new digital tools, work collaboratively and engage with citizens and businesses.




14 MAY 2019 10.00 - 16.00 

VENUE: Emilia-Romagna Region Rue Montoyer 21, Brussels

The rapid integration of digital technologies poses a number of challenges for national, regional and local governments. An important aspect of this transformation concerns citizens’ and businesses’ expectations about their interaction with governments. This requires the digital transformation of governments themselves to rise to this challenge. Public administrations need to change the way they work and organise themselves, ensuring they have the skills needed to use new digital tools, work collaboratively and engage with citizens and businesses.

The EU vision is to make Public Administration open, efficient, inclusive, borderless and user-friendly by providing a new digital environment for public services. With the eGovernment Action Plan, the European Commission considers that digital transformation of Public Administration is key for a successful Digital Single Market. The Single Market will be enhanced by common initiatives on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that are on top of the EU agenda.

A EU common effort includes a consistent legal basis, policies and financing programmes mainly addressed to the public sector, research and infrastructures, big data, digital interoperability and innovative solutions for public administrations, with increased attention to Artificial Intelligence. Following last year Member States Declaration, a Coordinated Plan has also been adopted last December to pave the way for the future of a trustworthy AI.

In this context, the government of Emilia-Romagna has developed a robust strategy, together with national and regional research centers, to create a big data infrastructure, also with the aim to use data sets coming from PA, particularly from the health care and transport sectors. In the field of AI for Public Administration, it has identified a number of priorities.

Being closer to citizens, European regions can thus provide a significant contribution to make Public Administration systems more efficient, capable of generating public value and delivering better public services to local communities.

The aim of this second Seminar is to deepen the debate on the Digital transformation, by bringing together representatives from the European Commission, European regions and the private sector. It will also explore the possibility to establish an Open Government platform to address societal challenges, design and share common solutions.

Welcome: Lorenza Badiello, Head of Office, Delegation to the EU, Emilia-Romagna Region

Patrizio Bianchi, Minister for Europe, Research, University and Employment, Emilia-Romagna Region

Setting the context: Luukas Ilves, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, The Lisbon Council

Kick off Introduction: Francesco Raphael Frieri, CDO, Director-General for Resources, Europe, Innovation and Institutions, Emilia-Romagna Region


Going digital: the EU strategy for digital transformation

With the aim to improve PA efficiency, this session will explore the vision of the European Union as well as recent strategic developments and future impact of digital transformation

Daniele Dotto, HoU, Governance and Public Administration/Coordinator Inter services group for PA, Secretary general, European Commission

Norbert Sagstetter, Deputy HoU, e-Governement, DG CNECT, EU Commission - Video conference Irene Sardellitti, Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, DG CNECT, EU Commission

Andrea Mairate, HoU Impact of EU policies on national economies, DG ECFIN, European Commission

Emanuele Baldacci, Director, DG DIGIT, European Commission


Moderator: Richard Tuffs, Senior advisor - ERRIN Networking lunch



This session will discuss main challenges and practices of digital trasformation of PA at regional level. The panel will bring regional experts together to address possible solutions also through an open platform

Daniel Marco, Director of SmartCatalunia, Catalunia

Raes Lieven, Program Manager R&D Smart Cities of Informatie Vlaanderen, Flanders

Lisa Lombardi, Expert, Agence du Numérique (AdN) of Digital Wallonia, Wallonia

Katerina Gonzales, Consultant eGovernment, ICT in the Ministry of Economics, Transport, Energy and Housing, Hessen

Gianluca Mazzini, Director General of Lepida, Emilia-Romagna

Bernard Giry, Digital innovation adviser of the President, Ile-de-France Region (tbc) Representative of Nouvelle Aquitaine (tbc)


Moderator: Lorenza Badiello, Head of Office, Delegation to the EU - Emilia-Romagna Region



This session will bring key stakeholders from businesses, to share proposals to support the transition phase of Public Administration

Alessandro Cenderello, Managing Partner for EU Institutions, Ernst&Young

Giovanna Camorali, Business Development Executive, IBM Italy, Research Initiative Maurizio Mencarini, VP

Global Strategic Partnership, Expert System Spa, Italy

Catherine Berger, Principal Solution Specialist for Data & AI, EU Public sector, Microsoft



Moderator: Richard Tuffs, Senior Advisor at ERRIN Network

Final remarks:

Emanuele Baldacci, Director, DG DIGIT, European Commission

Francesco Raphael Frieri, CDO, Director, General for Resources, Europe, Innovation and Institutions, Emilia-Romagna Region

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Francesco Raphael Frieri Francesco Raphael Frieri

Cerencov Telescope Array Symposium

The first symposium will focus on the novel investigations CTA will bring to the field and its synergies with other wavebands and messengers.
It will also cover instrument characteristics, analysis tools and opportunities for guest investigators and how coordinated observations with CTA will have a significant impact on the exciting new era of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astrophysics.


Bologna, Teatro Duse, Via Cartoleria 42, Bologna

Monday 6 May

12:30 - 14:00 Welcome light lunch

Welcome and Introduction to CTA 

14:00 - 14:25 Welcome - Federico Ferrini (MD CTAO), Francesco Raphaël Frieri (DG Regione ER)

14:25 – 15:15 CTA - Setting the stage - Werner Hofmann

15:15 - 15:45 Coffee break

CTA Status and Context

15:45 – 16:20 CTAO Project status (including operations) - Wolfgang Wild
16:20 – 17:00 CTA in the context of astrophysics in the 2020s - Roger Blandford

20:30: Public event (door opening 20:00, not included in the symposium fee, free ticket reservation requested)

Tuesday 7 May

Current Gamma-Ray Telescopes 

09:00 – 09:30 Space-based gamma-ray detectors - Julie McEnery
09:30 – 10:00 Imaging Array Cherenkov Telescopes - Jamie Holder
10:00 - 10:30 Large field of view ground-based detectors - Petra Hüntemeyer

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break

The key science projects of CTA and Multiwavelength / Multi-Messenger astronomy

11:00 – 11:28 Introduction to Key Science Projects and Particle acceleration in CTA - Rene Ong
11:28 – 11: 50 New physics in Key Science Projects - Subir Sarkar
11:50 – 12:25 MeV / GeV neutrinos - Takaaki Kajita
12:25 – 13:00 TeV / PeV neutrinos - Francis Halzen

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch break


Multiwavelength and Multi-messenger observations and their relation to CTA

14:30 – 15:00 Gravitational wave astronomy - Rai Weiss
15:00 – 15:30 Radio astronomy - Robert Laing
15:30 – 16:00 Optical and infrared astronomy - Matthias Steinmetz

16:00 – 16:30 Millimeter and sub-millimeter astronomy - Reinhard Genzel
16:30 – 17:00 X-ray astronomy - Luigi Piro

18:00 – 20:00 Poster session at Palazzo Re Enzo

20:00 Gala Dinner

Wednesday 8 May

Science topic: Particle acceleration

09:00 – 09:25 Simulations and laboratory experiments - Federico Fiuza
09:25 – 09:50 Theory and astrophysical observations - Anne Decourchelle
09:50 – 10:10 Particle acceleration by kinetic instabilities in accretion disks – Mario Riquelme
10:10 – 10:30 Experimental analogue of UHECR transport with a laser-produced turbulent magnetized plasma – Gianluca Gregori 

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

Science topic: Compact objects and relativistic outflows I

11:00 – 11:25 Pulsars and their nebulae - Anatoky Spitkovsky
11:25 – 11:50 Accreting compact objects - Chris Done
11:50 – 12:15 Gamma-ray bursts - Giancarlo Ghirlanda
12:15 – 12:28 The microquasars of the Cygnus region: gamma-ray emission and perspectives with CTA – Giovanni Piano 
12:28 – 12:41 3D simulations of pulsar bow shock nebulae – Barbara Olmi

12:41 - 12:54 Hot topic - tbd

12:54 – 14:20 Lunch break

Science topic: Compact objects and relativistic outflows II

14:20 – 14:45 Non-thermal emission from active galaxies - Gabriele Ghisellini
14:45 – 15:10 Compact objects and Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays - Andrew Taylor
15:10 – 15:25 Neutrinos from TXS 0506+056 - Silke Britzen
15:25 – 15:40 Locating the blazar zone - Elina Lindfors
15:40 – 15:55 VLBI location of the sites of high-energy emission production in AGN - Anton Zensus
15:55 – 16:10 The high-energy view of the outflow from the Galactic Center - Gabriele Ponti

16:10 – 16:40 Coffee break

Science topic: Star-forming systems

16:40 – 17:05 Star-forming system with focus on Galactic Center - Roland Crocker
17:05 – 17:30 Role of cosmic rays in galaxy evolution - Volker Springel
17:30 – 17:45 Cosmic Ray Production to above 100 PeV in Compact Galactic Star Clusters - Don Ellison
17:45 – 18:00 High-mass protostellar jets: a new class of gamma-ray sources - Anabella Araudo

Thursday 9 May

Science topic: Gamma rays as cosmic probes and fundamental physics

09:00 – 09:25 Probing intergalactic magnetic fields - Andrii Neronov
09:25 – 09:50 Constraining the Extragalactic Background Light - Marco Ajello
09:50 – 10:10 Testing cosmology and fundamental physics with the Cherenkov Telescope Array - Manuel Meyer
10:10 – 10:30 Testing primordial axion-driven cosmic magnetogenisis with CTA - Francesco Miniati 

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 11:40 Dark matter and Lorentz Invariance Violation - John Ellis

Science topic: Other MM/MWL facilities

11:40 – 12:00 Stellar intensity interferometry measurements with CTA - Michael Daniel
12:00 – 12:20 Event Horizon Telescope - Maciek Wielgus
12:20 – 12:40 Neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea: the present and the future - Maurizio Spurio
12:40 – 13:00 How can CTA perform best in the changing gravitational wave follow-up landscape? - Imre Bartos

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break

14:30 – 15:00 The ESO programme – Xavier Barcons

Summary and outlook

15:00 – 15:25 Rapporteur – Catherine Cesarsky
Where do we go from here?

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